Puberty Problems
help Chutney
question Worrier
3) Pizza Face chick (about spots and bullying)
4) Zits Emma (about spots)
5) Spots ? (about spots)
6) I'm scared PrincessG (about getting a bra)
7) Breaking Down Anon (about moods)
8) Puberty Sporty (about the changes for boys and girls in puberty, physically and mentally)
9) Pubication 2003 guy! (about pain-free cycling for boys)
10) Why? Bettyboo (about rates of development)
11) Crater face Anon (about scars left after spots have gone)
12) Girls Only!!! Cutzie (about discharge)
13) What is... Angel (about all the changes during puberty)
14) Spots Alex (about spots)
15) Ouch! Gemini gal (about shaving public hair)
16) deodorant Non
17) I'm too nervous to talk about it Aine
18) Penis Lean Phil
19) Spots Anon
20) What makes you look beautiful? Rosy