Problems Solved

3) Pizza Face chick

Lots of girls in my class are bullying me because I have begun to get spots. It's putting me down please help! Reply

re:  Pizza Face Cookie

What is getting you down - the bullies or the spots?

If it's the bullies, then ignore them and it may go away. Remember, if you've got spots now and they haven't it just means that you're maturing faster than them, and you'll probably be over the worst of them before they all catch up with you, and then you'll be the ultra-gorg one.

80% of people get spots in their teens, so it's nothing to be particularly embarrassed about. If normal treatments aren't helping then you could try going to your pharmacy and asking for stronger non-prescription treatments such as Quinoderm, or go to the doctor, who can prescribe antibiotics.

As for the bullies, just tell them to lay off. You're obviously the more grown up one, so let them know it by handling it maturely. If they won't leave you alone then tell your parents or someone that you trust about it. Just don't worry, they'll all catch up someday! Reply

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