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6) I'm scared PrincessG

Hey can anyone help? I think I'm ready to get a bra but I'm scared my mates will tease me because I've heard them slag off other girls in our year (that’s y7 as of September) for having one. Please help because I think I'm ready. Reply

re: I'm scared frog


re: I'm scared Fizzy Izzy

Well, when you’re ready, you’re ready, and if your friends laugh well there not exactly good mates.  Maybe you should ask your school nurse or talk to an adult or someone you trust about it, or maybe u should get together and have a girly chat about stuff like that. Hope this helps. Reply

re: I'm scared joanne

Just get one. They obviously aren't growing up as fast as you. Perhaps they are just scared of growing up or jealous of the people who have already started. Just don't tell them if you’re scared they'll tease you. On the day's you have P.E wear a vest top over your bra so they can't see it. If they do tease you find some more mature and sensible mates. Reply

re: I'm scared Mickey

Get one if you want, you're supposed to anyway. You’ll just look more grown up than them, and that’s good because they’re still wearing crop tops, ok? Reply

re: I'm scared Ducky

Tell your mum or older sister is you have one. Having a bra is nothing to be ashamed of, but if it makes you feel better wear a crop top on P.E. days. If you think you're ready, it might be worth getting one fitted - don't worry - you keep your top on! PS. I'm starting Yr7 in Sept. too! Reply

re: I'm scared Eminem

Look, if you need a bra, you need a bra. You can't stop your body growing and changing, so stand up for yourself and tell your mates that someday they'll need one! They might just be jealous because you’re developing quicker than them (lets face it, almost all girls want big boobs!). If they still don't stop, tell a teacher or find some other mates. Hope this helps! Reply

re: I'm scared buddie

Ignore them, if you need a bra just go and get one. If your friends tease you don’t listen, they're probably jealous because they are not allowed one. Reply

re: I'm scared  Vikki

They will probably slag you off because they’re jealous. If you feel like you want or need a bra then go and get one and if your mates slag you off then they aren’t your mates, are they? Reply

re: I'm scared  bambi

Don’t worry, they are really immature if they do tease you. Just ask them ain’t they got nothing better to talk about, and say whatever goes around comes around. Reply

re: I'm scared  smilegal

They will envy you for having one when you get into secondary school because you need one to fit in properly. Reply

re: I'm scared  punk

Hiya. I have recently had to get a bra because I needed one. It was embarrassing asking my mum to go with me to get one, so I went with my mate + she was really helpful + showed me where I could be measured ! You say your mates would tease you if you got one, but isn’t there a mate out of school that you could ask to go with you ? Hope this was helpful, luv punk Reply

re: I'm scared Cookie 

 When you get to secondary school you'll probably find that most girls, even at the beginning of year 7, will wear a bra. It is a good idea at senior school, as most schools have shirts, and these shirts are quite see-through, if you get my drift!

If you think you are ready, then ask your Mum if you can go and look at some when you're out shopping for clothes or for school stuff. You can get some which are especially for young teens which aren't sized, but are in age groups. Some are plain and boring for school, and some are fun. I've even seen some with detachable straps, and then you buy ones with stars, hearts, flowers, etc... on - obviously for wearing with strap tops.

Anyway, if you think you're ready then don't be scared, and don't worry what other people think about it. Reply

re: I'm scared PrincessG

Thanks everyone for helping! Reply

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