Period Problems

 Star advice!

1) Periods.... Confused Girly (about predicting periods)

2) A girls' thing $uper * (about periods and discussing them)

3)  periods  spam (about periods and choosing a brand)

4)  Only read this if you're serious Problem (abt. periods & tampons)

5)  Period Pains Anon (abt. periods pains and PMT)

6)  What do they do? Rocks (abt. periods and your body)

7)  Does it hurt? Footy Fan (abt. period pains and changing towels)

8)  Puberaty table top gamer (What is a period?)

9)  Do they hurt? Bazzi (Period pains)

10) I HATE MY PERIOD *** (worried about periods on holiday )

11) I think I've just started my period sophie (what now?)

12) Period Pains Charlie (how to deal stomach cramps)

13) How do I tell them? Stockings rule (how to tell parents & friends)

14) Recommendations? Madcow (what to use?)

15) Can they tell? Radiogirl (can other people tell when you've started?)

16) I haven't started yet! red devil (worried about having not started)

17) Worried about it hurting Flubber (abt. periods pains)

18) period pain: please help Isobel (abt. periods pains)

19) Period advice please Bex (abt. discharge)

20) Irregular Periods Amy (abt. irregular cycles)

21) Awful Day Becky (abt. coming on without warning!)

22) Guys, I'm scared Alice (abt. starting)

23) Haven't started yet! PunkGirl (worried about having not started)