* abstinence * combined
pill * condoms * diaphragm
* emergency contraception * IUD
* progesterone-only pill / injection * rhythm
method * withdrawal *Female
sterilisation * male sterilisation *
How to put
on a Condom...
There will be
instructions with the packet which should be read carefully before using condoms
for the first time.
is a basic guide:
you start, REMEMBER, condoms are less effective if:
the penis touches the area around the vagina before a condom is put on.
it is ripped by sharp nails, rings or flies (get your trousers down lads).
products (e.g. hand cream, Vaseline) can damage rubber condoms.
it slips off.
How to put on
a condom:
- Put the condom on when the
penis is erect, before the penis touches the vagina.

- Take the condom out of its
wrapper carefully, making sure you don't rip the rubber; do not use your
teeth, do not use a knife or scissors. Always handle
the condom with care, if it tears it is useless.
- Flick the rolled up
condom. The tip will pop out, and this means it is the right way up so that
it doesn't go on upside down.
- Take out the condom and
put it on as soon as there is an erection.
- Cup the condom between
your fingers to put some lubricant or spericide inside, this helps stop
- Squeeze the end between
finger and thumb, so no air gets trapped, and place the still rolled up condom
at the tip of the
erect penis.
- Still pinching the end,
use your other hand to unroll the condom carefully down the full length of
the penis. The curled rubber should roll down the outside - not inside - of
the condom. (make sure it isn't inside out)
- Make sure that there is
room left at the end of the condom (this is why you pinch it as you roll).
- After ejaculating
(coming), the boy should hold the top (closest to your body) of the condom
as he withdraws his penis while it's still erect.
- Remove the condom by
firmly holding the top of the condom and pulling down keeping the condom
open as if it were still being worn.
- Take the condom off when the penis is fully withdrawn.
- Remove the condom right
away after you have an orgasm.
unroll the condom to get it off, or roll it down the shaft if the penis -
pull it off carefully and intact.
let the condom be turned inside out while you remove it and avoid spillage
by holding the top.
- Dispose of the condom as
soon as you are done.
- If you have sex again
right away, or try oral or anal sex, use a new condom.
- If you use a lubricant
make sure it’s water-based (like KY Jelly) - oil-based lubricants (like
Vaseline) can make condoms break.
- If the condom splits see
your doctor or family planning clinic right away.
- Do not
condoms in your wallet, or in other places where it can be damaged by heat
or 'wear and tear'
- DO NOT use a condom
that has expired.
- DO NOT use
spermicidal condoms for oral sex
- DO
use a condom during oral sex (you can even buy flavoured ones!)
use the same condom more than once
- DO NOT double up: use
one condom at a time, and use a new one for each sex act.
Get condoms:
- at the chemists
- in gent’s (and ladies') loos
- Brook Advisory Centres http://www.brook.org.uk
- 0800 0185023 for your nearest
- any family planning clinic
- other young people’s
They cost around £3.50 for
three from chemists supermarkets and corner shops.
use a new condom each time.
buying condoms, choose ones displaying the British Standards Kitemark (a heart with an S-shape
inside), or a CE Kitemark. These will definitely be reliable. Also, check the
expiry date.

Planning Association - for details of local
clinics, call the Contraceptive Education Service.
- 0845 310 1334
- 0141 576 5088
Ireland - 02890 325488