* Avoiding STIs * Full list

HIV and AIDs

Stands For: "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" and "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome"

If you are worried that you may have caught HIV then you must go to your GP. They will talk to you in complete confidence and book you a blood test to see if you have the HIV antibodies in your blood. If you have had unprotected sex you will have to wait before the HIV test will work because it takes at least three months after infection for the HIV antibodies to appear in your blood. You can call the National Aids Helpline free on 0800 567 123.

What is HIV?

HIV affects men and women. The virus damages the body's immune system so that over time it becomes vulnerable to illness and infections.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is caused by HIV. When a person has AIDS it means their immune system is very weak and they have developed certain infections or cancers. These can be fatal.

How is it passed on?

HIV is mainly passed on in the following ways:

Signs and symptoms

Tests and treatment

Long Term effects

When HIV leads to more serious infections and associated cancers, then you're said to have developed Aids. While treatment for HIV/Aids has improved a lot recently, there are still no cures.

Remember that sex is illegal if you’re under 16.

For more STI info: www.ruthinking.co.uk, www.fpa.org.uk, STD Factfile

National Aids Helpline- 0800 567 123