STIs * Full
Transmitted Infections
Using a condom
(male or female) correctly and consistently when you have sex will prevent the
transmission of most STIs including HIV. However, there are also several things
that you can do to make sex safer.
Be prepared
- Discuss with your partner
before you have sex how you will both protect yourselves.
- Become familiar with how
to use condoms.
- Have a supply of condoms
ready (these are free from family planning and sexual health clinics).
- There are lots of choices
of condoms so try a different one if you are not happy with the ones you use
- Learn about how infections
are spread, what symptoms to look for, and where to go for help if you are
Take action
- Have a routine check up at
a sexual health clinic (free!)
- If you or your partner
have symptoms or think you might have an infection seek advice before you
have any more sex.
- Tell your partner if you
have an infection so they can be treated too.