Bulimia |
What is Bulimia Nervosa? People with bulimia eat lots of food (called binge eating) and then make themselves sick (purging) to get rid of what they've eaten. People with bulimia may not look underweight and so can find it easy to hide their eating problems. Binge eating and vomiting can eventually do serious damage to the teeth, heart, kidneys and muscles.
What causes Bulimia? The exact cause of bulimia is unknown, but contributing factors could be family problems, behaviour problems, self-identity conflict and cultural emphasis on physical appearance. Bulimia may also be related to depression.
What is a Bulimic person like? A person with bulimia is usually aware that their eating pattern is abnormal and may experience guilt associated with the binge-purge episodes. They are usually very secretive, although clues to the disorder include over-activity, peculiar eating habits, eating rituals and frequent weighing. Body weight is usually normal or low, although the person may perceive themselves as overweight.
What are the symptoms? Physical signs:
Behavioural signs:
Psychological signs:
The Eating Disorder Association youth line is 0845 634 7650 Website: Eating Disorders Association