* Avoiding STIs * Full list

Genital Herpes

Herpes is incurable, but it can't kill you and usually flares up around three times a year.

Pronounced: "Genital her-pees"

What is genital herpes?

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of the virus, which can affect the mouth and nose (known as cold sores) or the genital and anal area, fingers or hands. This information is about genital herpes.

How is it passed on?

It is passed on by kissing, unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex, through sharing sex toys or through direct skin-to-skin genital contact.

Signs and symptoms

Often symptoms don't show or are very mild and go unnoticed, but typical signs of infection with the virus include:

Tests and treatment

A swab is taken from one of the sores and a sample of urine may be taken. The swab may feel uncomfortable but should not be painful.

Dietary Information

Although herpes cannot be cured some foods are claimed to reduce the risk or prevent severe attacks:

Eat plenty of:

Cut down on:

For more STI info: www.ruthinking.co.uk, www.fpa.org.uk, STD Factfile