STIs * Full
Genital Warts
warts are
white or pink, sometimes itchy, lumps that appear around the anus and genitals.
What are genital warts?
Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can
affect the hands, feet and genital area. This information is about genital
How are they passed on?
Genital warts are passed on through unprotected vaginal or anal sex, by sharing
sex toys or direct skin-to-skin genital contact.
Signs and symptoms
Not everyone with the virus will develop visible warts. When warts are present
they are usually painless but may cause some inflammation.
Small pinkish/white or large cauliflower-shaped lumps can appear on the vulva,
penis, scrotum, anus (bum), in the vagina and on the cervix (at the top of the
vagina) that occur on their own or in
- In men, they can appear
anywhere around the urethra, penis, scrotum or anus. They can also appear
inside the anus.
- In women, they can appear
anywhere around the vulva and anus, and also inside the vagina or anus, or
on the cervix.
Tests and treatment
- Usually warts can be seen
with the naked eye. If they are suspected, but not obvious, the area is
painted with a special solution to make them more visible.
- Warts are easy to treat,
but more than one treatment may be needed.
- Treatment can include
covering the warts with a chemical lotion or cream, freezing them off or
removing them by laser treatment or surgery.
- Genital warts do not cause
any serious health problems but the virus always remains in the body. No
treatment can remove the virus completely.
- Some types of the wart
virus are linked to changes in cervical cells which could lead to cervical
cancer. These changes can take many years, so it is important women have
regular cervical smears, whether or not they have had genital warts.
self-treat genital warts with over the counter remedies
Term Effects
come back after treatment.
more STI info: www.ruthinking.co.uk,