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8) Shall I do it? Nicky

My boyfriend get off with me but I am so nervous and I daren't. He says he's not bothered and he'll wait but I don't know if I'll ever dare. I really want to. Please help. Reply

re:  Shall i do it? Cookie

The decision is completely up to you. If you aren't sure that you want him do do it, then tell him that you aren't ready. You says he'll wait for you, and he he loves you then he will respect your wishes. If he tries to pressure you then he isn't worth it and you're better off without him.

If you do decide to go ahead then make sure that you are 100% sure that you want to go through with it. Talk to him about it first. Also, remember that you without the right to tell him to stop at any time, and that by law he must. Remember to be careful, and tell him to be too.

My best advice would be to think for yourself and not let him influence you in any way. Remember you have plenty of time - don't be rushed into such and important decision which you may regret.

Your indecision is the answer. If you were sure that you were ready then you wouldn't be asking yourself these questions.



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