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1) Clever? Ells

I have been in my senior school for 2 years now. When I was at Junior School I was really quiet, and was the cleverest girl in my year Now I have met all my new mates my grades have got lower. I love my mates but sometimes I just want to get away from all the talking and do my work. Reply

re:  Clever?  Cookie

In what way have your grades got lower? I mean, senior schools and junior schools often mark and rate work differently, and also remember that your classes are put in sets according to ability, so if you're clever you'll be in with lots of other clever people too, so you may find that you aren't the cleverest anymore, if that makes sense!

It's quite a common problem. When you get to senior school you have new mates and new hobbies and priorities, and the homework load can sometimes catch up on you. I'd spend this weekend with your homework, trying to do the best you can with it, and turn down your mates for the one weekend. Try and get it all out of the way before you go out, and do it well, not slap-dash. Really try, and at least you'll be able to say that you did the best that you could.

Cookie -x-  Reply

re: Clever? kutekat 

Have you been revising like you would in Junior school? Reply

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