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3) I've made a BIG mistake taurus goddess
I made a BIG mistake & decided to go to the academy for my secondary school. I only realised it was a mistake when on the last day of school me & my mates burst into tears! Please help because I will miss my mates terribly!

re: I've made a BIG mistake rupert
Try to focus more on making new friends at your new school than loosing your old ones, just because you're going to start different schools it doesn't mean you cant keep in touch! Reply

re: I've made a BIG mistake you are the best 

Don't worry you will make new friends! Reply

re: I've made a BIG mistake Cookie

Look, don't regret your decision, it's made now.

Moving schools seems like a really big. You'll go from being the biggest to the littlest, the smartest to the dumbest - it's a big change, but everything will be geared into preparing you for senior school. You'll have induction days and uniform fittings, and you'll get to meet the kids who will be in your tutor group next year. You'll find out more about all the new and exciting subjects you'll study, and the cool stuff you get to do - like use fun science equipment like Bunsen burners, and do practical technology/home economics where you'll make useful, tasty and interesting things, and learn lots of life skills. 

By the end of the year you wont be able to wait, and remember, it's going to be fun. You'll branch out and make tons of new friends from lots of different schools. In three years you'll have grown a foot and you'll look back and say 'Why was I so scared?', and you'll trip over the little yr 7s in corridors and say "Oh my God, they are so annoying, they go around in great big groups and they don't look where they're going!!!" 

You'll look back on old photos of you and your friends in junior school and laugh in a few years. Laugh at how much you've changed. Laugh that you were so scared of moving. Laugh that you thought that the work was difficult.  It will be hard leaving friends behind when you go to different schools. The ones who are your real friends will make the effort to keep in touch if you do, some you'll bump into now and again, some you may never see, but you have to remember that you'll make loads more friends at senior school. 

Trust me, when you get there the little step wont be such a big step. After you've learnt your timetable and got used to where everything is you'll be fine and remember, everybody in your year is new too! 

Cookie -x- Reply

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