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4) zits Emma

Hi, has anyone got any tips for getting rid of zits. I’ve tried cream but they just came back and my boyfriend dumped me because of them. Emma Reply

re: zits  Moulinrouge

I haven’t tried it but you’re meant to put toothpaste on zits and leave it for 24 hrs. It worked for my friend but I’ve never tried it! By the way, no offence but your boy-friend was weird if he dumped you because of zits. Lets see how he likes it when he gets them!! Reply

re: zits Lila

Use two cotton buds to squeeze them. But whatever you do just don't squeeze them! Remember this is just a part of growing up and your ex-boyfriend might end up in the same position as you, so don't worry. Reply

re: zits pattie

Wash your face twice a day with plain soap and water, but sometimes you just have to leave them alone and whatever you do DO NOT PICK THEM OR SCRATCH THEM BECAUSE IT WILL JUST MAKE THEM WORSE AND YOU WILL GET SCARS. As for your ex-boyfriend he must be really shallow if he dumped you because of a few zits! Let him wait until he gets them because he will and then see how he likes it! Pattie Reply

re: zits Cookie 

Remember, if you've got spots now and they haven't it just means that you're maturing faster than them, and you'll probably be over the worst of them before they all catch up with you, and then you'll be the gorgeous one. 80% of people get spots in their teens, so it's nothing to be particularly embarrassed about. Sometimes plain, unperfumed soap is best, but if normal treatments aren't helping then you could try pharmacy treatments such as Quinoderm, which you don't need a prescription for, but you have to ask a pharmacist.

If they continue then go to your GP. Remember, you aren't wasting his/her time - they'll see loads of spot cases, and some will be much worse than you can imagine. If it's affecting your self confidence then make an appointment. They can prescribe antibiotics and all sorts of other treatments, and they will find something that works.

 As for your boyfriend, if he's shallow enough to dump you for looks then he's not worth it. You can do much better. Reply

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