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8) Puberty Sporty

What happens exactly during puberty??? Reply

re: Puberty Cookie

Physically :

Well, in both girls and boys they get a lot taller, and their face alters, they get underarm and pubic hair.

 Boys start to get facial hair, and their voices get deeper (break). Their shoulders and chests get broader and their penis and testicles get bigger too, and start to produce sperm. 

Girls' breasts develop and hips widen, and the pelvic bones widen so that there is more room for a baby. The ovaries enlarge and develop, and ova are developed in the ovaries, and they start their periods.


You'll want more independence, and you feel more aware of yourself and other people around you. You may have mood swings, and start to think more about the future, and what you want to do with your life. Your reasoning will also become more complex as your brain develops, and you'll be able to take on a far more adult way of reasoning and discussing and seeing the causes and consequences of things. Reply

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