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8) (no title)  Kimmie

I found out today that my mate was off last week because she tried to commit suicide, and I'm the only one who knows, and I don't know what to do. I can't tell, I promised I wouldn't so if anyone finds out she'll know it's me who told, then she will have no one she can talk to. She didn't take all the pills, she stopped half way though so I suppose that means she wouldn't go though it next time. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

You really need to talk to her properly. She obviously decided not to go through with it, but you need to talk to her ad find out what made her want to harm herself in such an awful way.

I can understand that you don't want to betray your friend, but you need to persuade her to talk to someone - a school nurse, a counsellor, and charity such as ChildLine, someone at a Young People's Clinic, her GP - someone professional who can help her. Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

I tried talking to her but what can I say? I don’t no how to make it better I know why she did it she’s just had family problems and stuff. She has a social worked but she wont go to a counsellor I have tried and now I’m running out of ideas. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

Has she spoken to her social worker about it? Maybe you don't need to talk to her about it - maybe just showing that you're there as a friend, and that you like her the way that she is will be enough? Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

I don’t think so she said I was the only one who knew but I don’t know who her social worked is so I cant contact her and tell her. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

Well, even if she won't 'go' to see anyone, I'd still suggest you try and persuade her to phone ChildLine or the Self Harm Alliance or something. She needs to talk to someone, and I'm not sure a social worker is the right person.  Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

I know but how can I see acts like its no biggie and I’m really scared she do it again even though she said she wouldn't :( and she just emailed me and sounds really normal what if it was a one off? Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

Even if it was, it sounds like she's pretty messed up and needs some help and advice. Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

I know but she’s refusing to talk about it and she won't talk to me. I’m going to get her to call ChildLine though if it's the last thing I do. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

It may hurt her now, but she'll thank you one day.  Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

I tried I really did but she says its to humiliating talking about it to soemone like ChildLine so I tried to make her talk to me about it but she wouldn’t and then she said she tried to do it again but it didn’t work! And I don’t know what to do now because I can't talk to the teachers, and I can't get in contact with her social worker and I’m so lost. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

Maybe ask her to talk to the Self Harm Alliance. They're trained specifically for Self Harm and Suicide attempts, and it won't be anything abnormal for them. Don't been the bossy mother, but do keep hinting and encouraging that she talks to someone, because she does need to really. It sounds like she may have given herself a shock with how far she's prepared to go, which may have messed her up - not knowing whether she really wanted to go through with it or not.

Remind her that they won't know who she is, that she doesn't have to give any personal details, that it's free, and that her parents won't know. She needs to talk to someone who really knows how she's feeling, and your support is half way to getting her there. Reply

re: (no title)  Kimmie

Thank you so much you don’t know how helpful your advice is. I’m trying to get her to go to them but every time I bring it up she shys away from it. I’m trying to persuade gently. Thanks again. Reply

re: (no title) Cookie

You're welcome. Good luck, and let me know what happens. I'm here if you want to talk, OK? Cookie. Reply


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