
(losing your virginity)


Sex - What's legal?

How to say NO! to sex

How to have sex

How to know if you're ready for sex


Sex Problems Solved

Sometimes it can seem as if everyone's having sex except you. Fact is, most girls don't have full sex until they're at least 17, and most boys until they're at least 16. And lots of people wait until they're a lot older.

Remember - loads of people lie about when they first have sex.

Have sex when you really feel ready, never mind what anyone else says.

Getting all the information and help you need beforehand can make sex a much better experience.

Always use protection, and even if you are on other contraceptives, remember to wear a condom, because they are the only method that will protect you from STIs.  

Remember, sex comes with 3 consequences, pregnancy, STIs and REGRET. Most teenagers regret sex the first few times they have it. You can protect against the other 2 by using a condom, but remember not to be forced into anything, and to make sure that you are ready, or you really will regret it. 

Remember that sex is illegal if you’re under 16.

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