Pregnancy - unwanted?

Go to: Pregnancy Testing

How Long? 

1-3 days - You can still take the Emergency Contraception pill

3-5 days - You can still talk to your GP about having an IUD coil put it.

More than 4 days - It may not be too late for an Abortion.

Help, I think I'm pregnant! 

If you've had unprotected sex and you think you could be pregnant then take action straightaway! First you must do a test

Symptoms of Pregnancy:

Further Advice

If you know you are pregnant, or think you may be, it is important that you discuss your choices with someone straight away. You can talk to your own GP.

For further advice you can contact the Brook Advisory Centres, which offer sexual health and contraceptive advice for women under 25. They have branches all over Britain, and you can call them on 020 7617 8000 or their helpline on 020 7713 9000, or got to the Family Planning Association Website