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5) Period Pains! Anon

I've had my periods for about a year and a bit now, I sometimes get pain and sometimes I feel nothing and its just a breeze. My period isn't due for at least a week or so yet but for the past few days I've had a bad lower tummy which feels like period pain. Can you get this pain before your period? Or is it a bug? I'm 13, please help.  Reply

re: Period Pains! Superbrain

Yes you can get pains beforehand particularly if you are stressed. My top tips for dealing with it are: 

1) take pain killer as soon as you have pain. It just gets worse if you ignore it. 

2) use a hot-water bottle 

3)drink plenty of liquids. As long as they're around the same not coming one month around 10 days and the next around 30. If you keep on having them at 24 days, then it's regular too. All you want is to be regular right?.... but ask your mum too. I'm sure she'll be delighted to help you figure this out. Reply

re: Period Pains! speffles 

Yes you can. You can also get very sore kidneys. I wouldn't expect your periods to settle into a routine until you hit 15 -16 at least. Reply

re: Period Pains! blondy

All it means is that you are going to get your period soon sometimes you can get it early or late. Reply

re:  Period Pains! Cookie   

Yes you can, and different people deal with the pain in different ways, usually depending on how bad it is. Periods make women feel different - some feel more active, and some feel floppy and lazy and useless. Exercise can sometimes help pain, but sometimes you really feel so rubbish that you can't be bothered. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a paracetamol and fall asleep for an hour. Eating parsley the week before is meant to help - never tried it personally! Good luck! Cookie -x-  Reply

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