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1) I need sleep!  smile :)

I have trouble sleeping every night. I have tried showers, milky drinks, listening to the radio, reading and I just can't get to sleep before 11. I know that in your teens hormones are rushing around which cause sleeping difficulties but all I want is to go to sleep early. I can be sent to bed at  9 but I still cant get to sleep! PLEASE help! Reply

re: I need sleep! £ money! $

Nah, that don't work. I had the worst insomnia in the world at one point, but I got rid of it by going to bed one hour later than usual. Insomnia is usually because you need less sleep than other people. Do not have milky drinks, that makes you not sleep even more, but you've got to think about the same thing every night, like you're going out with someone you fancy, and that works. Well it did with me anyway. Reply

re: I need sleep! Cookie

The radio might not actually be helping. Try one of these meditation/relaxation CDs you can buy - they work quite well. Just lie in a comfy position and shut everything out apart from the music.

Also, think about your mattress: is it a old one with spring sticking out cartoon style, or is it relatively new. I've just got a new mattress and it has done wonders for me!

Also, don't change your sleep pattern at weekends. If you go to bed at nine and rise at 7 do the same on Saturday, Sunday and Friday nights. Really, if you mess up your sleep pattern by having a separate one at weekends then you can't expect it to work during the week.

Don't eat anything 2 hours before sleeping. Just drink water. Also, lay off the caffeine: no chocolate, coffee, tea, coke; especially not in those last 2 hours...

Also, a common problem at this time of year is that it is too light to get to sleep at a reasonable time. Try buying one of those eye masks - the type you get on planes. Try fashion shops for some funky ones: you can get fluffy ones, and ones with devil's horns and things! They're great because if you a very light room, as they shut it all out. Just hang it over the bedpost and then you always know where it is (but don't forget to take it off when you wake up, or you might think that you've gone blind overnight!).

Good Luck, and Sweet dreams! Cookie -x- Reply

re: I need sleep!  jellyfishy 

Try waking up earlier than you usually do. This means you will be really tired by the time you go to bed.

If this doesn't work try changing your bed cover. If it is bright change it to to a calmer colour or pastel shades.

You could even try aromatherapy and relaxation tapes.

Just make sure you don't do anything that makes you concentrate like reading.

I had a sleep problem once and now I sleep like a baby.

Good Luck!!!! Reply


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