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5) Agony Aunt Please Help! Cheeky Monkey

I've just come home from school about 45 minutes ago and these to boys was calling me donkey just cause I kept turning round and looking at them cause I thought they was spitting on me! Then they came in front of me and started making donkey sounds, I was getting upset so I pointed to the vets and went that's where you belong! Then one of the said that's where you belong and pointed to a grate so I said you mum does, I wasn't thinking, he came up to my fact what did you say, you don't talk about my mum and then did something to me behind my back, I think he spat or put something in my bag, then they was walking off in front of me and making donkey noises and shouting our big sisters will beat you up, they'll kill ya! I know they wont kill me that's stupid but I'm scared of going to school tomorrow in case they or their sisters beat me up! Please help me! Cheeky Monkey.  Reply

re: Agony Aunt Please Help! Host - Cookie 

Firstly, if they are boys from school then they need to be reported to your school. you do not have to tolerate bullying, and your school should have an anti-bullying code to such effect. Tell your tutor, head of year, or if you don’t feel able to talk to them about it, talk to your school counsellor, nurse or your favourite teacher. If they are not from your school, and you feel intimidated or threatened by their behaviour then you should report them to the police. It may seem petty, but what they’re doing is anti-social and I’m sure it’s making you feel really uncomfortable too. You should certainly tell your parents if you are comfortable with doing so. Sometimes just telling someone can make you feel better about it.

As for tomorrow, do not let their threats put you off school. If you can get a lift in, then do so, or try to walk in with a friend if you can. If not, set out early. If you see them, cross the road away from them, and don’t give them a reason to talk to you. They may not even notice you.

People who intimidate you by saying they’re going to get older siblings to attack you are pretty low. After all, they’re obviously not tough enough to do it themselves, and although you know this you don’t have to tell them that. I don’t know anything about these people, but they may be empty threats. You will not know until after tomorrow, but you need to keep your chin up. If you have done nothing to provoke them then they have no reason to treat you the way that they are, and at least you can feel safe in the knowledge within yourself that you are a good person.

Please tell me what happens tomorrow. I hope some of this advice is helpful. Good luck, and remember that they are the ones in the wrong, and you are not a bad person, or being punished for anything you have done by them. The most important thing is to tell some who has some authority to stop it; being your parents, school or even the police. If you are scared and intimidated enough to warrant dreading tomorrow, then you must tell somebody.  Reply

re:Agony Aunt Please Help! Cheeky Monkey

Ok, nothing happened today (thank god!) but if they take it any further then I still don't know what to do! But if it gets as bad as their big sister (if they've got one!) then it'll be reported. This morning I asked this girl who knows them and asked if she'd been bullied by them (she had but she gets bullied a lot) and I asked if they'd ever threatened her that they were. I asked if they did, and she said they have threatened but never done it! Thanks for helping! Reply

re: Agony Aunt Please Help! Host - Cookie 

You're welcome. Reply


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