
Sex for the first time?

Sex - What's legal?

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Sex Problems Solved

Always use protection, and even if you are on other contraceptives, remember to wear a condom, because they are the only method that will protect you from STIs.  

If a condom splits (which it shouldn't if you put it on properly, because they can hold a 9lb sack of potatoes and go over your head and shoulders), or falls off, then go immediately to your local drop-in family planning clinic or youth counselling clinic, or if they aren't open, to your doctor or A&E at your local hospital (although they'll be far from sympathetic), for emergency contraception. Remember, you only have 3 days to get emergency contraception, and the longer you leave it, the less likely it is to be effective. It isn't good, however, to make a habit out of this, and remember that every time you need emergency contraception you also need to be screened for STIs such Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, genital warts, pubic lice and HIV and AIDs.

 Remember, sex comes with 3 consequences, pregnancy, STIs and REGRET. Most teenagers regret sex the first few times they have it. You can protect against the other 2 by using a condom, but remember not to be forced into anything, and to make sure that you are ready, or you really will regret it. Remember that sex is illegal if you’re under 16.

Sexwise - Free, confidential advice on sex and relationships - 0800 282930

Dietary Information

To improve your sex drive eat plenty of:

Cut down on: