Shopping - Know your consumer rights

Children could be being treated unfairly because they don't know enough about the law, or 'consumer rights.'

The law protects people if they buy something faulty from a shop or if a new gadget goes wrong through no fault of their own. But a government official says although children have exactly the same rights as adults, they don't always know it.

Seven to 14-year-olds got £59m pocket money last year - an average of £6 each and that's a lot of cash to spend!

it's important you know the facts:

1. Never accept anything which is faulty or which doesn't do what it says it does. You can take it back, and the shop must give you your money back.

2. Always act quickly. Don't wait to complain.

3. If something is wrong, the shop must deal with the complaint. Don't let them pretend it is the manufacturer's fault.

4. If at first you don't succeed, don't worry. There are people who can help you. Try writing to the shop management, or speaking to your local council.