
Lying awake counting sheep night after night? Try these sleep tips:

Read a related problem

The DOs and don'ts of insomnia 


Keep your worries and problems out of your bedroom. Entering it should not make you think of your outside problems.

Spend the hours before bed relaxing as much as possible to keep your mind off the day's problems. Take a warm bath, listen to some music or read a book.

Make a list of your worries if they are keeping you awake, so you can deal with them at another time. But DON'T leave the list by your bedside.

Relax in bed - Imagine doing something peaceful such as sunbathing on a deserted beach. Try to relax all the muscles in your body; start with your forehead and jaw and work down to your feet.

If you can't sleep get up and do something non-stressful for 20 minutes.

Have a snack such as an oatmeal biscuit or a piece of bread may help you to get to sleep.

Get up at the normal time.


Nap during the day

Smoke or drink excessive amounts of alcohol or stimulants such as tea and coffee too soon before going to bed.

Eat a rich or heavy meal less than 3 hours before bedtime.

Over-stimulate your mind: no crossword puzzles, forgotten homework or intense discussions late at night

Exercise late at night

Keep looking at the clock at the side of your bed

Lie awake for hours worrying: get up and do something useful for a relaxing 20 minutes until you feel tired again.


 Go to bed hungry

Go to bed on an over-full stomach

Food and Eating

Eat plenty of

Cut down on
