Useful Contacts - 

Drinking and Drugs


Helplines do not show on your telephone bill. Most are free, and most that are not are stated otherwise.

National Drugs Helpline - 0800 776600

National Aids Helpline- 0800 567 123

For more help, you can contact the Brook Advisory Centre for sex and contraception advice for women under 25 - 020 7713 9000

Quit Smoking -

Drinkwise - Gives advice on how much is safe to drink. -

Website - 

Al-Anon Family Groups (UK and Eire) - Al-Anon is a worldwide charity which offers understanding and support for families and friends of problem drinkers whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. Alateen, a part of Al-Anon is for young people aged 12-20 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking, usually that of a parent.

National Helpline: 020 7403 0888 (Mon-Fri 10am–6pm)

61 Great Dover Street

Website: Al-Anon

ADFAM National - "Adfam National is a national organisation working with families affected by drugs
and alcohol and is a leading agency in substance related family work.  It provides a range of publications and resources for families about substances and criminal justice and operates an online message board and searchable database of local support groups that helps families hear about and talk to people who understand their situation.  Adfam runs a range of training programmes on substances and family support.  It also operates direct support services at London prisons for families of prisoners with drug problems. A list of resources is available online at

Prisoners' families and friends who wish to discuss their concerns by telephone may call the Criminal Justice Team "Ring Back" service and leave their contact details on the following number:
  020 7202 9446.  Messages are collected at regular intervals throughout the day and a member of the team will call them.

Please note that Adfam no longer have a helpline and that they are open during normal office hours Monday-Friday." 

- Thank you very much to ADFAM for the correction of this information


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